Progress Component Overview
The Progress Component visually represents a process instance workflow - steps, their statuses, sequence of execution, sub-processes and connected instances. It allows to track, manage, edit, proceed, approve and reject tasks (steps), add issues, complete checklists, and much more. Actually, this is one of most important functions of Work-Relay application.
The Progress Component consists of several parts:
Progress Bar (1) has shapes (chevrons) representing steps of the process (2). These steps have colors that indicate step status:
- Green - completed or approved step.
- Yellow - active step (that is a subject of current user activities)
- Blue - pending step (that is active, but some constraints or restrictions prevent it from being proceeded)
- Light gray - future step
Also step shapes can have additional visual indications:
Step shapes always contain the following data:
- Step name (6)
Step shapes show some more information in tooltip (7) that is shown on mouseover:
- Step name
- Branch name (8), even if there is one default branch in the process
- Start Date - for active, pending and completed steps
- Due date - for active steps (12)
- Risk - for active steps that have due date in the past (13)
- Complete Date (9) - for completed steps only
Step shapes can also contain the following elements:
- "Subflows" button with the amount of sub-processes on this step (10)
- "Connected Instances" button with the amount of connected processes (not process instances!) on this step (11)
- "Late" icon for steps with due date in the past (14)
Progress Bar can have different type that means order of steps shown. This order is set in the Progress Component Settings of the process.
The component type can be:
- Standard - only steps belonging to one branch are shown at the same time. To switch between branches user should select needed one in "Branches" menu (28, see below). Completed steps are shown first, then active and pending, and future steps will be shown at the end of the Progress Bar - this corresponds to the order of steps connections.
- Summarized - all steps from all branches are shown together. In this case switching between branches is performed by simple clicking necessary active/pending step and it will be outlined with frame (3). The order in which steps having different statuses are shown, is the same - completed, active/pending, future.
- Sequential - all steps from all branches are shown in the order that has been set in steps tree at process builder, independently on their status.
"Subflows" button (11) when clicked shows a submenu popup with a list of sub-processes that are started on this step (15). If click this menu item, another Progress bar representing the sub-process (16) will be shown below Progress bar and Details section of parent process. Also, the Record name (which sub-process is started on, 17) and sub-process version name (18) will be shown as links to proper record and process details pages.
To close this Progress bar click the "Hide Subprocess Details" button (19):
"Connected Instances" button (13) when clicked shows a submenu popup with a list of connected processes that are started on this step (20). If click this menu item, a proper popup will be shown and it will provide a way to see connected instances. Also, the Record name (which connected instance is started on) and connected process version name will be shown as links to proper record and process details pages.
When "Show Details" button (21) is clicked, a Process Details section (22) is shown. It contains several tabs depending on current step status (completed or not) and Smart Step Settings (in the step User Interface properties):
- General - contains step basic information (depending on step status)
- Assignee - allows to view and edit step assignees and managers
- Feed - displays current step or whole process feed entries, and allows to add, comment and like or dislike posts
- Layout - by default displays details for Data Source object record process has been started at. Layout can be set different for particular steps in the proper way
- Content - allows to manage, view and download files related to current task (step)
- Checklist - allows to manage, check and complete the checklist related to current task
- Time - allows to log and manage time spent on the current step working on
- Tasks/Issues - allows to add, edit and manage tasks and issues
- Data - shows a list of Custom Data Fields (except connection points) added to the step while process configuring, and allows to edit them
- History - shows a History for the process and allows to see additional information by clicking step name links
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