Process Builder Overview
It is open automatically after finishing process creation wizard or when clicking "Open Diagram" button at the Process Details page (editing the process or process template).
Canvas is the main area at the center of Process Builder. All shapes, connectors and icons are drawn and shown here.
Minimap is the small navigation box at the bottom of canvas. It is collapsed by default. When expanded it shows a thumbnail preview of the whole process diagram and the small rectangle representing the visible part of canvas. Drag this rectangle to show proper part of process diagram.
Toolbar contains the following components:
- "Close" button - closes currently opened diagram and returns to page what user navigated from. If there are unsaved changes, asks for confirmation.
- "Save" button - saves changes in currently open process or template. If process has steps or responsibilities without assignee(s), asks user to make him an assignee. If process is not activated yet, asks for activation. If this button is not disabled, this indicated the presence of unsaved changes.
- "Action" menu contains the following items:
- Open Process Settings - shows "Process Settings" popup.
- Open Gantt - opens Gantt Chart for the current process or process template.
- Activate / Deactivate - offers a proper option depending on if current process is active or not. Is not shown for Process Templates.
- Lock - only process author and users with System Admin privileges will be able to edit process after it is locked.
- Image Preview - opens an image of process diagram, suitable for viewing or printing.
- Available from version 6.0 Summary preview - opens a page with total process details summary (see below).
- "Undo" and "Redo" buttons - cancel / restore previous changes made by user.
- "Delete" button - deletes selected elements from canvas.
- "Zoom" menu contains the following items:
- Zoom In - increases scale of diagram
- Fit - fits the whole diagram to visible canvas area
- 1:1 - shows a diagram with initial scale
- Zoom Out - decreases scale of diagram
- "Settings" button - opens the popup (see section below) where user can select which Step Attributes should be indicated with proper icons (these icons are shown near step if it has the proper settings). These settings affect all steps in the canvas.
- "Chatter" button - links to user's home page where Chatter Feed is.
- "Help" button - links to the Work-Relay Documentation system (you're currently reading).
This page shows overall information about what current process (actually process version) contains:
- Process main details
- List of Swimlanes
- List of Milestones
- List of Steps with detailed information about them and their:
To see long fields like Step Action configuration, hover them with mouse.
Step Attributes Icons are shown on steps, process builder settings and library:
Step Attributes icons are:
Icon "Start Date Config" indicates that step has start date configured.
Icon "Layout = Form" indicates that step layout is a Work-Relay Form.
Icon "Layout = VisualForce" indicates that step layout is a Visual Force Page.
Icon "Rules" indicates that step has Rules.
Icon "CheckList" indicates that step has Checklist.
Icon "Responsibility Override" indicates that step Assignee is overridden.
Icon "Connection Point" indicates that step has Connection Point.
Icon "Reminder" indicates that step has Reminder.
Icon "Escalation" indicates that step has Escalation.
Icon "Reference Materials" indicates that step has Reference Materials (files attached).
Icon "Before Handler" indicates that step has action "Before Handler".
Icon "Additional Access" indicates that Additional Access is configured for this step.
Icon "Custom Data Fields" indicates that step has Custom Data Fields set.
Section "Elements" contains:
- Responsibility (4) - indicate steps assignment visually in Process Builder.
- Milestone (5) - used for some visual purposes.
- Start (6), End (7), Manual (8), Automatic (9) and Decision (10) Steps - main parts of a process.
Section "Actions" contains shapes corresponding to actions with pre-defined types. Actions can be put on steps and connectors and are indicated by proper icons on them and on "Actions" and "Library" sections of the left sidebar:
Icon "Send Email" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Send Email" type.
Icon "Create Issue" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Create Issue" type.
Icon "Create Record" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Create Record" type.
Icon "Update Records" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Update Records" type.
Icon "Delete Records" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Delete Records" type.
Icon "Callout" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Callout" type.
Icon "Execute Apex" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Execute Apex" type.
Icon "Define Variable" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Define Variable" type.
Icon "Start Sub Process" indicates that step or connector has Action of "Start Sub Process" type.
Library stores pre-configured Steps, Actions, and Custom Data Fields. They should be created and added by user; also, there are several Standard Actions provided with application. Read the proper article to know more.
Contents of this sidebar depend on what is selected at the canvas:
Steps Tree
If no step or connector is selected on the canvas, the Steps Tree is shown. It allows to:
- See steps
- Add steps
- Change step order
- Reset step order
- Expand and collapse subprocesses
- Edit step names and durations
- Change connectors by selecting step predecessors
- Select and change responsibilities
- Export and import steps
- Switch to list mode and back
Step Settings
If Step shape is selected, it's settings will be shown in sidebar.
Connector Settings
If a Connector is selected, it's settings will be shown in sidebar.
Steps list
If several steps selected, their list will be shown in sidebar. This list (11) will contain all selected steps with their types and labels. Each listed step is a link (12). If hover mouse over this link, proper step shape will be highlighted. If click on this link, proper step will become selected and it's properties will be shown.
When you click Save, you will be notified if there are validation errors.
The system will show an error message and do not allow to save the process in the following cases:
- Any step has no name
- Any step (except Start) is missing an incoming connector
- Any server error happened while saving
The system will show a warning to user when:
- Any step has more than one default (non-conditional) connectors
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