Progress Component: History
The History tab contains a chronological audit trail of the Process Instance Steps that have been started or completed to date.
Each history item contains the following information:
- Step: The name of the step. Click to reveal additional step details (see below).
- Comments: Comments entered by the user at the time the step was completed, if any.
- Started at: The date and time that the step became active and available to the assignee(s).
Status: The status of the step. The color of the icon along the left side corresponds with the status value:
- Green - Completed
- Yellow - In Progress
- Blue - Pending
- Assigned to: The name of the assignee. If the step has been reassigned at least once, the "(reassigned X times)" link will be displayed. Clicking the link will open the Assignee tab of the step details in a popup (see below).
- Completed at: The date and time that the step was completed.
- Completed by: The user(s) that completed the step.
- Actual duration: The time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) elapsed between the "Started at" date/time and either the "Completed at" (if the Status = "Completed") date/time or the current system date/time (if the Status = "In Progress").
Clicking a step name will display additional step properties in a popup.
- The General tab contains the following information:
- Task Title - The name of the step.
- Process Version Name - A link to the step's process version.
- Start Date - The date and time that the step became active and available to the assignee(s).
- Due Date - The calculated date and time by which the step must be completed before being categorized as "late." This value is only available for steps that have their duration value set (in the Step Properties section of process builder or in the Gantt chart).
- Completed Date - The date and time that the step was completed. This value will only be displayed if the step has been completed.
- Duration - The time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) elapsed between the "Start Date" date/time and either the "Completed Date" (if the Status = "Completed") date/time or the current system date/time or Due Date (if the Status = "In Progress").
- Risk (available from version 8.2) - The Step risk (for active steps that have a Due Date in the past).
- Pending Duration (available from version 8.2) - The amount of time that the step has been in "Pending" status (if it all).
- Swimlane - The name of the Responsibility, as defined in the Process Designer.
- Priority - The priority value configured for the step.
- Comments - Comments entered by the user at the time the step was completed, if any.
- Description - The Description configured for the step, if any.
- The Assignee tab contains the following information:
- Assigned to - The entity assigned to complete the step.
- Completed by - The user(s) that completed the step. This value will only be displayed if the step has been completed.
- Audit Trail - Information related to any reassignment that occurred, including the date of the reassignment action, who reassigned the step, as well as the previous and then-current assignee.
- The Layout tab displays the step's configured layout.
Note: The Layout tab will not be displayed if the Step's Layout Type = "Form."
- The Checklist tab displays a read-only view of any checklist items configured or added to the step by users.
- The Time tab displays all time entries for the step. Time entries may be edited or deleted from this screen, however new time entries may not be added.
- The Tasks/Issues tab displays all tasks/issues related to this step or the process instance as a whole. Tasks/issues may be edited and deleted from this screen, however new tasks/issues may not be added.
- The Data tab displays the custom data fields configured for the step, if any.
- The History Details tab contains the following information:
- Instance Details tab
- Reminders tab (if any)
- Escalations tab (if any)
- Variables tab (if variables have been configured for the current process instance)
History Tab Buttons
The following actions can be performed on the History tab:
Sort the current history view. This option is available for the ungrouped History Timeline and History Table views only.
The view may be ordered in either ascending or descending order and sorted by:- Start Date
- Completed Date
- Step Name
- Show history timeline. This view is active by default and displays the linear history timeline.
- Show history timeline grouped by step name. Clicking this button will display the history timeline, grouped by step. This is particularly used for processes that loop back over previous steps. The "Completed n times" button will appear for any step grouping that has been completed at least once before the current state.
Clicking the "Completed n times" button will display the ungrouped, linear history timeline filtered down to the desired step only. This allows the user to review the history details for the desired step.
When the history timeline is filtered, an eye icon will be shown next to each history item. Clicking this icon will remove the filter and display the desired step within the ungrouped, linear history timeline. The step will also be highlighted for a short time.
- Show history table. This button displays step history in table view.
Filters panel
To filter the items displayed in the History:
- Click the Add Filter button
- Select a field to filter by.
- Click the confirmation checkmark button. (Click the cancellation x button to go back.)
- Select an operator which will determine the query conditions.
- Specify the value against which the filtered field will be compared, according to the operator.
- If more than one filter criterion has been entered, modify the Filter Logic, as desired.
Each history item has the following data shown:
- Step name as link (1) that calls step data popup (8, see below) when clicked
- Comments (2). If no comments were added by user, system will show "No comments provided" stub text
- Step status (3). Also, completed steps are indicated with green color of icon and timeline, active - with yellow and pending - with blue
- Step assignee name (4) as link to user's profile
- Person that completed the step (5) as link to it's profile
- Actual duration (6) - time from actual start date&time to actual complete or current system date&time
- Date when step has been completed (7)
If click on step name link, a popup with step properties will appear (8):
This popup contains the same tabs as Progress Component has, and "History Details" one:
General tab (9) without Highlighted fields and with some more information:
- Task Title - step name
- Start Date - date and time when step has been made active
- Due Date - date and time when step has been planned to finish. Available for instances that have planned dates (have been saved at the Gantt chart)
- Completed Date - for completed steps
- Duration - shows how much time step is planned to take. Available only for instances that have planned dates
- Responsibility
- Status - step status
- Status Reason - contains a brief reason why current step is pending (for pending steps)
- Comments - show comments (if any) for completed step
- Description - if any
Assignee tab (10) contains information about:
- Assignee
- Person who has completed the step
- Instance Manager
This tab does not allow managing assignees.
- Layout tab (11) shows a step Layout (absolutely the same as proper tab of Progress Component, but allows to see layout of steps other than active). Note: Layout tab is absent for steps with Layout type = Form.
Checklist tab (12) shows a step checklist. Checklist items, added while proceeding current step, will be shown only after step has been completed. Checklist items, configured in Process Builder, will be shown for step in any state.
Checklist items added while proceeding current step, can not be changed here, but can be deleted - click proper button (13) and confirm deletion (14):
- Time tab (15) shows time logged for this step. Editing and deleting time entries is allowed, however logging new time entries is not.
- Tasks/Issues tab (16) shows tasks and issues related to this step or the whole process instance. Editing and deleting tasks and issues is allowed, however new items may not be added.
- Data tab (17) shows custom data fields of this step, except Connection Points.
- History Details tab (18) shows some generic information about the Process Instance.
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