Process Step Settings: Connectors

Open Step Settings and expand "Connectors" section (1). Lists of ingoing (2) and outgoing (3) connectors will be shown there:

Connectors are represented as links here. If click on any link, the proper connector will become selected at the process diagram.

Connectors can be deleted from this list by clicking buttons (4) - this will show a confirmation and delete proper connector from the process.

If there are several outgoing connectors on the step, they will be arranged in the order of chronology of they have been added. This order can be changed by moving connectors with arrow buttons (5). This order is necessary for system to determine which connector process should go on.

The system will evaluate the conditions on the connectors in the sequence of their precedence. The first connector that meets the criteria is the path that will be taken.

You need one connector with no conditions assigned to it. This will be the default connector. The system will first evaluate the connectors with conditions, in the order specified. If none of the conditions are true, the default connector will be selected.

System will warn you if you try to save a step with more than one default connectors, but you will still be able to save the process. If any step will have more than one default connector, the first of them (in connectors order) will be a path for a further process flow.

If you want all or some of the paths to be taken (instead of just one), you need to check the "Start Parallel Branch" option in the necessary connectors properties.

Connectors also can be managed in List mode of steps tree (or even in Process mode if scroll right sidebar to see "Predecessors" column).

Each step (except Start) has at least one incoming connector that links to preceeding step called Predecessor. These Predecessors (except Start steps) are listed in proper column of Steps Tree (6) as indexes (numbers):

If click on any step's Predecessors column cell, a proper popup will appear (7):

There are all steps listed. Steps that are predecessors of currently selected step are checked (8). If check new step and save, the new connector from this predecessor and current step will appear. The connector type will be default without conditions; only if predecessor belongs to another branch, connector will become a constraint.

If uncheck some checkboxes, connectors from proper steps will be deleted.


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