Setting Durations for Planned Records

Work-Relay provides the ability to set process step duration and dates for the specific Data Source Object Records even if process was not yet started for those records. This setup will apply durations that are different from ones provided within process builder once process instance is created for the specific record. Also this setup allows user to provide instance unique process planned dates.

Below is example setup demonstrating this feature. 

Create Work Relay process and access its details

Please refer to the following article for the instructions on process creation: How to add a new process

Below is process setup. Note - all steps have duration (1) set to 1d:

Close (2) Process builder to go on Process Progress Component. Select Planned Record subtab (3) and click on appeared "+" button (4) to open popup (5):

Choose process instance (6) and record (7) and click "Create" button (8):

"Gantt' should be opened for the added record using durations data (9) from the process level:

Change all task duration (10) to "3d". Save (11) the Gantt and click "Close" (12).

NOTE: When one updates step duration planned start date stays unchanged; planned end date gets updated as well as successor steps start and end dates.

When one updates planned start/end date step duration stays unchanged, so changing planned start date will automatically change planned end date and vice versa.

Add one more planned record and set steps duration (13) to 5d.

Start the process on the planned records. Click "Start" buttons (14):

Instance level durations are applied to both records:

NOTE: Planned record durations won't affect the active process step(s) when planned instance is added after the process was started for the specified record. But once process moves to the next step and so on it will use data provided on the instance level.

In the opposite case, when planned record is removed while actual process instance is still in progress, active steps durations won't be affected. Once process moves to the next steps it will use data provided within the process level.

NOTE: For more information on Duration/Date driven planning options please refer to the following article: Process planning phase: Durations and Dates on the Gantt


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