Process Details - Step Statistics (for release 7.0)
This widget shows the high-level metrics for the selected Step.
The information in this widget is calculated based on the Step Instances within the selected time period and includes:
- Rating (health) of the selected step (1)
- Number of completions (for non-decision steps, 2)
- Number of approvals (for decision steps only, 3)
- Number of rejections (for decision steps only, 4)
- Number of instances which include this step (in any status, 5)
- Number of times the step has been started (including restarts, 6)
- Number of reminders triggered on this step (7)
- Number of escalations performed for this step (8)
- Number of reassignments performed for this step (both triggered by escalations and manually, 9)
- Planned duration (10)
- Minimal duration for this step, across all instances (11)
- Maximal duration for this step, across all instances (12)
- Average duration for this step, across all instances (13)
- Number of times the step has been completed late or is currently late (14)
Note: The planned duration (10) will display a formula symbol "f(x)
" if Planned Duration is not defined for the Step, or if the Planned Duration depends on other data or includes a formula expression. See this related article for more information about durations.
Since version 8.2 , Forecasted Duration may also be shown in this chart:
The Step Statistics widget may display warnings or recommendations based on some of the statistical values:
- Step's rejection rate is high (15) indicates that the step has been rejected a lot of times in comparison with the number of initiated steps instances. Clicking on the link in this warning will expand an "Approvals / Rejections by Assignees" chart, for further investigation.
- Step's duration dispersion is high (16) indicates that the step's durations vary widely, potentially caused by undesirable circumstances in some instances. Clicking on the link in this warning will expand an "Step Duration by Assignees" chart, for further investigation.
Planned duration is unrealistic (17) is displayed when the Average Duration of the step is either much shorter or longer than the Planned Duration. This is defined as:
- If the median Duration is less than 50% of the Planned Duration.
- If the median Duration is greater than 120% of the Planned Duration.
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