Process Details - Step Completion Metrics Chart (for release 7.0)
This chart displays number of steps completed across all process instances within the selected period.
Step numbers are shown as stacked bars of different colors:
- Steps completed on time (1) - green
- Steps completed with delays (2) - red

Click "Hint" button (3) to display some brief information about this chart.
Click "Expand" button (4) to make chart be rendered on full browser window size. This can be useful when chart contains lot of data, or when making a presentation. In expanded state a "Collapse" button will be shown instead of it:

Chart displays actual value when mouse is hovered on proper bar:
![Редактор изображений PicPick - [Screenshot 2023-11-02 - 29]](
In case when process contains subprocesses chart shows name of process (5) and names of subprocesses (6).
If the process has no started instances or no instances match selected period, this chart will show "There is no data" text only.
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