Progress Component Settings
Progress Component Settings may be accessed within the Process Designer by navigating to Actions > Open Process Settings, then navigating to the Progress Component Settings tab (1).
The Progress Bar component can be set to the following types:
- Summarized (Default) - Displays steps from all branches in the process in one line - allowing the user to switch between the steps. Completed steps will be shown first, then active, and then future:
For Processes that can have more than one Step in progress (with more than one branch) at any given time, the Step that is currently selected to view/interact is outlined (2) (available from version 5.0).
- Standard - Displays branches separately with an option to switch between them (3).
- Sequential ( available from version 5.0 ) - Displays steps from all branches in the Process in one line (4), in the order defined in the steps grid (5) in the Process Designer.
Defines whether progress bars of sub-processes and connected instances should be Manually or Automatically (7) opened under the parent process progress bar.
Allows the user to define the Start Date and End Date when proceeding the Step.
Allows the user to add Comment when proceeding the Step. The Comment will be visible in the Process Instance History.
The color of the Proceed, Approve, and Reject standard buttons may be overridden, and the resulting behavior may be overridden by selecting a Handler. The following Handler types are available:
- Form
- Action
- Action Group
Also, you can pass custom parameters too (click button 12 to see parameters list 13):
Note: By default, the following parameters are passed to custom button handlers: Cursor ID, Flow Instance ID, Process ID.
Custom Parameters (12) may be defined (13) and will be passed to the button handler.
Click the ">>" button (14) to open the formula builder (15).
Note: After redefining proceed behavior, proceed logic must be implemented so that the handlers are able to proceed process steps. This is achieved via the WorkflowProceedService.
Below is example of Global Action setup that can be used to proceed steps:
Custom buttons may be added to the Workflow Progress Component menu (arrow button at the right side, Process Instance Menu (23) in this article). These buttons must have click handlers. Handlers (16) can be of following types:
- Form - Opens a Work-Relay form (available from version 5.0, the form can be for any Data Source Object). If selected, the Form Layout Mode must also be defined.
- Action - Executes a Global Action
- Action Group - Executes a Global Action Group
- Visualfoce Page - Redirects to a Visualforce page
- Lightning Component - Opens a Lightning Component
- URL - Redirects to the specified URL
By default, the following Parameters are passed to custom button handlers: Process Instance Cursor ID, Process Instance ID, Object ID.
For "Form" handler types, both the default and custom parameters can be accessed via the Form's $FormParameters context object (e.g., {$FormParameters.myParameter1}).
For "Action" and "Action Group" handlers, the parameters can be accessed via the $Variables context object (e.g., {$Variables.cursor}).
The "Access" picklist (17) defines which users will be able to view the custom button. The following options are available. ("Managers" are Work-Relay Process Managers. "Admins" are Work-Relay Process Admins. "Assignee" is the cursor assignee.)
The "Visibility" picklist (18) contains different options for custom button visibility:
In this table, access to perform additional actions can be provided to users/roles/profiles, whether they are step assignees or not, by entering the Salesforce Record IDs for the desired entity. Access can be granted to Process Manager(s) and Instance Manager(s) separately with the appropriate checkboxes (19):
Multiple IDs should be separated with a comma.
From version 8.2 , the following Additional Access settings are available (20):
- Create Issue/Task
- Create Work Logs
These settings are active by default for Process and Instance Managers.
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