Process Details - Assignee Task Load Chart (for release 7.0)
This chart displays number of steps assigned to each Assignee, within the given period.
View mode can be switched (1) to highlight the late steps by Assignees (and chart will be named "Assignee Late Tasks").
Step numbers are shown as stacked bars of different colors:
- Active (2) - yellow
- Completed (3) - green
- Active and Late (4) - red
Step number bars can be sorted by descending (default) or ascending order. Click order button (5) to switch it.

Assignees displayed can be filtered to show only necessary. To make assignees filtered click Filters button (6), specify and apply necessary filters criteria.
Filtering is simple enough. Assignee filter has a picklist with "contains" and "does not contain" operators, and multi-select lookup where several assignees can be selected. After filter is applied chart will show only assignees matching it:

Click "Hint" button (7) to display some brief information about this chart.
Click "Expand" button (8) to make chart be rendered on full browser window size. This can be useful when chart contains lot of data, or when making a presentation. In expanded state a "Collapse" button will be shown instead of it:

Chart displays actual value when mouse is hovered on proper bar:
![Редактор изображений PicPick - [Screenshot 2023-11-02 - 29]](
Bars are clickable. On click user will be thrown to "Instances" tab for current process version, where entries shown will be filtered.
- if click on "In Progress" (yellow) bars, entries shown will be filtered by the following criteria:
Active = true
Completed = false
Active Step Assignee contains %Assignee that clicked bar corresponds to%
Active Step Start Date < %last day 11:59 PM of selected period%
- if click on "In Progress - Late" (red) bars, entries shown will be filtered by the following criteria:
Active = true
Completed = false
Active Step Assignee contains %Assignee that clicked bar corresponds to%
Active Step Risk = "Late"
Active Step Start Date < %last day 11:59 PM of selected period%
to %last day 11:59 PM of selected period%
- Completed steps (green bars) does not go anywhere when clicked.
If the process has subprocesses on it, first click on bar (of any color) will show extended information (9) - numbers of tasks per each process (parent and subprocesses). If click on yellow or red bars, each process name will be a link (10) that opens properly filtered "Instances" tab for proper process in the new browser tab:

The principles of filtration on instances tab of subprocesses are the same as described for simple process above.
If the process has no started instances or no instances match selected period, this chart will show "There is no data" text only.
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