Process Step Settings: Properties

Steps have these properties:

  • Milestone (1) (view only)- used for some visual and ergonomic purposes. Milestone, which step belongs to, can be changed by moving a step (see proper article).
  • Name (2) (required) can be edited if necessary. It is shown everywhere steps are displayed (Progress component, Task Manager, Gantt Chart, Progress Dashboard, etc). It is not necessary to give unique names to steps, but it is recommended.
  • API Name (3) (optional) can be used in different Actions where user needs to know/set a step (otherwise user need to provide Step ID, which is not a good idea to be hardcoded) - can be specified in merge fields. Mouseover to see help tooltip (4) with restrictions for API name.
  • Step type (5) - specifies a step assignment (is step should be proceeded by system or not) and type of proceeding (manual steps can be proceeded to the next one by default connector, decision step can proceed to one of steps connected by "Approve" and "Reject" connections.)
  • All Assignee must complete (6) checkbox (for non-system steps) - if set this option, all assignees should proceed (or approve) a step in order to allow to go further. If not checked, only one assignee's proceed is needed. Same setting will work for steps (and responsibilities) assigned to multiple users, also for step/responsibility Assign type is representing multiple users (Filed, Group, Queue etc.).
  • When you check only "All Assignees must approve", step will be proceeded with rejection as soon as at least one rejection is got and will be Approved only if all assignees Approved.
  • When you check  "All Assignees must approve" and "or reject", step will be active till all assignees approve or reject. It will be Approved if all assignees approved.
  • Require Comments (7) checkbox (for non-system steps) - if checked, user can't proceed further without any text in comment. For Decision step there are 2 separate checkboxes (8) (for Approve and Reject types of proceeding):
  • From the version 8.2: Require Time Entry (9) - specifies if user must report time to proceed / approve / reject the step. If this option is checked, system will show a warning when user tries to proceed / approve / reject a step without reporting time first.

If user restarts a step with required time entry (changes step, restarts branch, restarts a workflow), he must add a new time entry to this step even if there is time already reported. New activation of step - new time report to complete it.

  • Autocomplete Behavior (for Decision steps only) - specifies what should system do with the step if it is escalated to the system. This property can be set to "Approve", "Reject" or "Formula" (in this case user can build a formula that returns "Approve" or "Reject" depending on necessary conditions and logic):

Click on Formula input field (10) to call a Formula Picker popup:

  • Processing Frequency (11) - select how often system jobs will try to make necessary actions on started instances of this process. Default value is about 10 minutes; if a process is too heavy or does not require immediate reactions, it will be better to set higher value. Set it to "Never" if you plan to start jobs manually:
  • Description (12)- populate for your assistance (optionally):


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