Default Connectors

Every step has a default outbound connector.  Therefore, you cannot add conditions to it.

The default connector ensures that the flow doesn’t land up in limbo. It has no conditions, and therefore executes if none of the other connector conditions are satisfied (if there are other connectors).

To select a different connector as the default connector, remove its conditions and other conditions to the other connectors.  

You can change the sequence in which the system evaluates which branch to take by clicking on the up/down arrow that show when you have multiple connectors.

No default branch explicitly defined

No default branch explicitly defined

In this case, the flow will always go to Step 3, since it is the first step to be evaluated when Step 1 is complete. Step 2 and Step 4 would never be executed.

Default branch explicitly defined

Default branch explicitly defined

In this case:

  1. The system will first look at Step 3. If the conditions are met, the Step 3 branch is taken.
  2. If not, the system evaluates Step 4. If the conditions are met, the Step 4 branch is taken.
  3. If neither the Step 3 or Step 4 branch is taken, the default branch, Step 2, is taken.

Multiple branches are conditionally executed

Multiple branches are conditionally executed

In this case, all the branches are executed in parallel. Note that the branches are taken only if their conditions are met. So in this case, Step 2 would always be executed (the default), and Step 3 and Step 4 would only be executed if their conditions are met.

Multiple branches are always executed

Multiple branches are always executed

In this case, ALL branches are taken in parallel - there are no conditions.


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