

  1. Step palette
  2. Milestones
  3. Action palette
  4. Tree view (when clicked anywhere on the canvas except on steps or connectors)
  5. Connector
  6. Step
  7. Conditional connector
  8. Parallel connectors
  9. This entire area is called the canvas.


  1. Toggle between Activated and Deactivated. Activated means that the flow will be triggered based on the start type specified and any conditions added.
  2. Clone - make a copy of the current flow.
  3. Export the flow so that it can then be imported to another org.
  4. Lock the flow so no one else can change it.
  5. FOR SALESFORCE PROFESSIONAL EDITION ONLY. Get the Visualforce code for data source for this flow. This is used to create a new Visualforce page that shows the Work-Relay status and actions in the object page view. (For all other editions, the Visualforce page is created programatically. The Professional Edition does not allow this).


  1. Make bigger (click multiple times to change the size of the zoom).
  2. Fit the entire flow in the current web page.
  3. Fit as much as possible in the current web page without changing the zoom factor.
  4. Make smaller (click multiple times to change the size of the zoom).

Moving Milestones

Moving Milestones

Move multiple steps at once

Move multiple steps at once
  1. Use your mouse to select which steps you want to move by clicking on the canvas and move the mouse while the mouse is still clicked.
  2. Then click your mouse over one of the highlighted shapes and drag the selection as needed.


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