Sequence of execution

Sequence of execution rules

The sequence of execution is the following:

  1. Step Validation Rules - if any rule isn't met then an error is shown and you can't move forward.
  2. Step Actions - Actions that are placed inside a Step are executed regardless which way/connector a flow will go by.
  3. Connector Validation Rules - These rules are evaluated to decide which connector a flow use (i.e. which path to take). If multiple connectors rules are met then the one with a higher order will be used (as defined in the Connector tab of the Step properties).
  4. Connector Actions - Once WR has decided which connector to use, this connectors actions will be executed before the next step becomes active.

Step Actions: Before and After Proceed

When an action is placed inside a Step, you can specify when you want an action to be executed when that step becomes active:

  • before step = the action will be executed as soon as the step becomes active
  • after step = the action will be executed after the step has been proceeded and all validation rules have passed successfully.


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