Flow Builder
Insert a step between 2 existing steps
You can insert a step by dragging a process step and positioning it in between 2 steps.
1) You cannot insert start/end steps into a connector, since it does not make sense.
2) You cannot insert a step into a constraint connector (orange dash-point line), since in fact constraints are not real connectors.
3) You cannot insert a step if it has input/output connectors, because it will create a messy and over-complicated flow.
Connector visibility
- Hover over a Connector row.
- The system will highlight the corresponding Connector.
Validate flow logic
Click on the red triangle at any time to see any logic problems still to be resolved.
Getting steps to line up in a row
The easiest way to get shapes to line up is to align them with the gridlines. The system makes it easy to snap a shape to a grid line when you drag it close by.
If you have problems with moving connectors
Delete the connectors and re-draw them.
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