Add and Remove Form Components

Data Source Fields

Click "Items" tab (1), expand "Data Source Fields" list (2),  drag selected field (3) to the canvas.

More details about "Data source fields" see in "Working with Source Object fields"

Virtual Fields

Virtual fields are inputs that allow user to provide various type of values without saving them to the base. Virtual are used to provide more complex scenarios of interaction between user and a process.

Click "Items" tab (4), expand "Virtual Fields" list (5),  drag selected field (6) to the canvas.


Options section contains other different elements and components:

Click "Items" tab (7), expand "Options" list (8),  drag selected field (9) to the canvas.

Click "Items" tab (10), expand "Related Lists" list (11),  drag selected field (12) to the canvas.

Removing fields / components from the form

Select component (13) that you want to remove and click "Delete" button (14).

Starting with Work Relay 4.1 release user can remove multiple elements from the form at the same time.

Select form elements using "Shift" key and click "Delete" button (14).


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