Kanban Card

Card Compact Layout

A Kanban Card has the following elements:

  • Process step name (1)
  • Data source record name (on which the process instance started) (2). Clicking on the record name opens the record page.

If desired, the default Name field may be changed to any other text field of the context record. To do this, navigate to the Process Designer for the appropriate Process, then open Process Settings > Data Source Settings and select the desired field in the "Name" picklist.

  • Process Name (3). Clicking on the name will open the process details page.
  • Start Date of the step (4)
  • Due Date of the step (5; date is based on start date and duration)
  • Step assignee(s) (6)


  • Priority (7). Click on the icon to edit the priority. Note that External Task cards have no "Critical" value for Priority.
  • Risk (8). This icon gradually fills in as the work item approaches its Due Date, then displays a red icon when the work item is late.
  • Re-assign (9). Clicking on this icon allows the user to take ownership or change the assignee.

Note: The "Assign to Me" option is active only if the work item is assigned to multiple users (either several named users, or a group/role/etc.).

If the work item has a priority of "Critical" and it is "Late," an "Urgent!" badge will be shown in the top right corner of the card.

Currently Work-Relay doesn't support adding/removing fields on the Kanban card.

Cards in "Completed" column have all icons disabled and show a green badge with checkmark.

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Work items in a "Pending" state have no dates displayed. Instead they display Reason and Duration:

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Note: Fields that are shown in the card depend on the Kanban Card Settings set for the appropriate step in the Process Designer.

Card Details Layout (Sidebar)

Click on any place (which is not a link or menu item) of card compact layout (10) to open card details sidebar (11):

Step card details sidebar has these subtabs:

  • General (12) - View basic step information (depending on step status).
  • Assignee (13) - View and edit step assignees and managers.
  • Chatter (14) - View current step or entire process feed entries. Add, comment, and like/dislike posts.
  • Layout (15) - View details of the Data Source object record related to the process instance. Layout can be defined differently for individual steps, as desired.
  • Content (16) - Manage, view, and download files related to current step.
  • Checklist (17) - Manage, view, and complete the checklist related to current step. A badge (23) on the checklist icon displays the number of unchecked checklist items for the step.
  • Time Entry (18) - Log and manage time spent working on the current step.
  • Tasks/Issues (19) - Add, edit, and manage tasks and issues. A badge on this icon displays the number of unresolved tasks/issues.
  • Custom Data Fields (20) - View and edit the Custom Data Fields configured for the step.
  • History (21) - View the process history. Click step name links to see additional information. If the step is completed, the History Details tab is displayed instead of History, and contains some basic info about the process instance.

Click on the arrow button (22) to close sidebar.

Note: Sidebar tabs shown depend on Smart Step Settings defined for the step in the Process Designer.

Task/Issue cards display the General, Assignee, Chatter,  Content, and Tasks/Issues tabs only.

Note: Chatter and Content tabs are not shown for completed Steps, Tasks and Issues


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