Introduction to Progress Dashboard

Progress Dashboard allows to track state of all active instances of the given process.

There are two ways to use a Progress Dashboard:

  • Dashboard created automatically for active process (before Release 7)
  • Manually created dashboard with more abilities
Dashboard created automatically for active process (before Release 7)

To see process built-in Process Progress Dashboard, open Process Details page (1) of active process and click on "Dashboard" tab (2).

Note: after the Release 7 this feature is deprecated and unavailable.

To create a own Progress Dashboard, go to Dashboards page (3), switch to Progress Dashboards view (5) in menu (4).

On this page user could create and manage the custom Progress Dashboards. Click "New" button (6) to start Progress Dashboard creation wizard.

Progress Dashboard contains:

  • left section columns with object fields (7)
  • right section columns representing steps and milestones (8).
  • legend of step priorities (9)

Progress dashboard allows to collapse/expand process entries which have subprocesses and/or connected instances. Click proper button next to record name to toggle sub-entries state:

Right section is used to manage processes.
Click on step's name that is a link (10) to expand/collapse steps of proper subflow or connected instance (11).
Hover mouse on any step (12) to show tooltip with it's properties (13).

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Step color corresponds to it's status (described in legend (14)). Steps that have subflows or connected instances can be two-colored when collapsed - upper triangle for status of step itself and lower triangle for status of whole subprocess:

Clicking on step (12) opens  popup (15) which contains the same step details as progress component on process details page.

A progress dashboard has more interface elements:

  • Dashboard name (16) and process name (17) that is a link to the process
  • "Refresh" button (18) which reloads data of progress dashboard without resetting of filters
  • "Reset" button (19) clears filters configuration
  • "Close" button (20) which returns user to list of Progress Dashboards
  • "Filters" button (21) which opens "Filters panel" popup (22, see below)

From the version 6.0 of Work-Relay there are additional features available:

  • List of Views (23, see below)
  • Priority indicators (24) explained with legend (25)

Filter panel helps to configure filtering by step details (26) and object fields (27). To enable filtering by object fields, a lookup to the context object needs to be added to Flow Instance object - as this article instructs.

To include any field into filter criteria, check the checkbox near the proper field label (28). Then select a necessary operator in the dropdown list (29) and type or select necessary value in the field below operator (30).

Step and process-related fields (in the "Process Filers" tab) are always shown by default. "Object Filters" tab has no fields selected by default (31). Click "edit" button (32) to show fields selection from (33). Select necessary fields here and do not forget click "Apply" button (34):

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After this you will see the list of selected fields to filter (35). Select filter criteria for them and click "Apply" button (36) to filter entries:

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Click "Save As" button (37) to save currently configured filters as a View that will be available to apply by one-click selection. A popup will appear (38):

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Type View Name. Check "Is Default" (39) checkbox to make this view applied by default for current user and current dashboard. Check "Is Public" (40) checkbox to share this view with other users. This custom view will be available in the views list (41). To delete a custom view that you own, click "Delete icon there (42):

Редактор изображений PicPick - [Seva 2022 08 10 - 16 08 14 - 7]

Your saved Views are available to be edited. Select your View, open Filters, make changes you need and click "Save" button (43) that will appear for your views:

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Integrating Progress Dashboards Into Lightning Pages

Progress dashboards can be added into Lightning page layouts as a Lightning Component using standard page layout editor.

Also, the whole Progress Dashboards List can be added into Lightning pages too.


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