How to Create a Progress Dashboard
To create Progress Dashboard, go to Dashboards page (1), switch to Progress Dashboards view (3) in menu (2).
On this page user can create and manage the custom Progress Dashboards:
- "Refresh" button (4) reloads data in progress dashboard list
- "New" button (5) opens Progress Dashboard creation wizard
- Menu (2) helps to switch to other dashboards
Click "New" button to start Progress Dashboard creation wizard (6). Give dashboard a name (7; this is mandatory) and description (8, optional). Then click "Next" (9) to go further:
On the next stage first select necessary process (10) and version (11; this field will be shown only after Process is selected):
Then select columns mode (12). This will determine most of dashboard properties. Also, select Page Size (how many entries will be shown in one page), and default ordering.
Columns modes are:
- Mixed
- Standard
Standard columns mode.
In this mode columns represent parent object fields only. User can select which field should be shown in each column.
Mixed columns mode.
In the mixed mode columns represent parent object fields and child object fields. User can select which fields should be shown in each column.
One column is suggested by default. Click "+" button (13) to add more columns. Each column has field picklist (14) for each data source object (15):
After field has been selected, it can get a custom label that will be shown in column header instead of field name. After field has been selected a pencil icon (16) will appear next to picklist:
Click on it to show a proper popup. Type new custom label and click "Apply":
The field in the picklist will be shown with both custom label and field name (in brackets). Pencil will became orange that indicates field has been labeled:
Now the proper column will get a custom header when shown on dashboard.
In the mixed mode columns headers are dynamic and hidden by default (17). When user hovers mouse on some record, headers for proper data source fields will be displayed (18 and 19):
Standard columns mode.
In the standard mode columns are configured in the same way, but can be set for only parent object fields. Child (subprocess or connected instance) fields will not be shown, if it's data source is another than parent process data source.
Note: column "Name" is mandatory for each data source object and it's header is always shown.
Under the Columns Mode selector these fields are shown in the wizard:
- Page Size - indicates how many entries will be shown for each page of dashboard
- Default Order By - sets field which records of parent object will be sorted by
- Default Order Type - sets if entries will be sorted in ascending or descending order
At the next step of wizard select additional fields to be shown on record details (20) and step details fields (21). These settings are available for all source objects used in parent process and subprocesses - select proper in the "Source Objects" picklist (22) to configure:
Fields selected for record details will be shown in tooltip when user hover mouse on record name (23). Step details fields will be shown in tooltip when user hover mouse on step (24):
The next step allows to set Steps Priority to be shown. There are 4 available types of Priority and 5 possible statuses of steps, so, 20 types of indicated values are available (25). Check necessary with proper checkboxes (26). Click button (27) to select or deselect all Priority/Status combinations:
Selected priorities will be shown for steps having selected statuses in the dashboard as colored indicators:
At the last step of wizard list of filters criteria available for this new dashboard will be shown (28). These criteria include all basic step and process properties (Name, Responsibility, Assignee, Status, Start Date, etc.). Object fields are available to select in the Dashboard itself.
Here you can pre-define default state of these filter criterias (turn them on with checkboxes and set/select operators and default values).
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