Introduction to Task Manager
The Task Manager displays work items in Kanban or Table mode.
In Kanban mode (1), the Task Manager allows to drag and drop work item cards (2) between columns (3). The types of work items displayed may be toggled on/off at the top of the page (4). Users may select pre-defined or custom Views (saved filters, 5) or filter the displayed work items ad hoc (6):
Cards (in Kanban mode) or Rows (7) in Table mode (8) have colored left borders that visually indicate the work item type:
- Blue - A process Step in an "Active" status
- Gray - A process Step in a "Pending" status
- Violet - A Work-Relay Task
- Pink - A Work-Relay Issue
- Yellow - An External Task (i.e., a standard Salesforce Task record)
The remaining components of the toolbar are:
- Information (9) that displays the number of items and the currently applied sorting order
- "Add" button (10), which allows a user to add Work-Relay Task, Issue, Time Entry, or a record of allowed objects (standard or custom)
- Task Manager mode selector (11)
- Sorting button (12), to define the field used for sorting and the sort direction selector
- "Refresh" button (13), which reloads the display of dashboard items without losing applied filters
- "Settings" button (14), which displays the Task Manager Settings screen
- Dashboard selector (15), which allows the user to switch between Task Manager, Planning and Progress Dashboards
Each Card (or Row, in Table mode) displays work item information. Links will open related records or open the item to a specific component in the right sidebar (see the dedicated article for more detail). When clicked, the selected item will be outlined and shaded (16) in its corresponding color, and the step will open in the sidebar with its proper component tabs (17) and buttons (18):
The Work Item component tabs displayed are the same as those shown in the Process Progress Component view and provide the same abilities.
Control buttons (18) depend upon item type and settings:
- Manual Process Steps will display a "Proceed" button
- Decision (approval) Steps will display "Approve" and "Reject" buttons
- Tasks and Issues will display "Accept", "On Hold", "Restart" and"Complete" buttons, depending upon which column they are in and the task/issue settings (where buttons can be enabled or disabled)
These buttons may have custom labels (if custom labels are defined in step settings or task/issue properties):
When clicked, these buttons proceed/approve/reject proper step or change state of task/issue and the right sidebar will be closed. Proceeding can be performed asynchronously and following steps can be loaded into right sidebar automatically, if the proper settings are defined in dashboard settings.
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