Grouping Tasks in Planning Dashboard

By default all tasks in Planning Dashboard are shown without any grouping and can be sorted by some columns. If user wants to have some more order in tasks, he can group them.

To group tasks click on the "Group By" menu (1) at the top of dashboard and select one of suggested fields (2):

The following changes will happen in dashboard:

  • Grouping criteria will be shown under the filters list (3)
  • Entries will be default filtered by date to match current month (4). This filter can be changed or removed in filters sidebar. Also, months can be easily switched by clicking "Next Month / Previous Month" buttons (5)
  • Entries will be grouped by selected field
  • Selected field values will be shown as headers of groups (6)
  • Groups will be shown collapsed by default (click button (7) to expand group and collapse it again)
  • Each group will have a badge (8) with a quantity of entries in it

The sorting order applied before, will not be lost (9).

If column which entries sorted by is not shown (e.g., column "Process Name" will not be shown if group tasks by Process Name), sorting will be still saved (8), but will not affect crouping (groups always sorted alphabetically in ascending order).


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