Work-Relay "Settings"
Work-Relay settings are available on the "Settings" page.
System Information
System Information tab displays Organization name and id and User data such as user name, profile, role, type, permissions and licenses. Here user can check organization timestamp, access Work-Relay documentation and contact Work-Relay customer support.
General Settings
At the General Settings tab user can set:
Date Format - user can provide Date format that will be used within Work-Relay.
DateTime Format - user can provide DateTime format that will be used within Work-Relay.
If these formats were not provided dates will use default Salesforce format for user's locale.
Business Hours - select business hours record that will be used for the process dates calculations. If business hours was not added to the Work-Relay Settings all dates within Work-Relay environment will be calculated using 24/7 schedule.
Super Admins (before release 8.0) - list of comma-separated IDs of users, profiles and roles, who will have administrator access to all processes and forms is to be provided (the maximum number of IDs is 10).
Super Admins (for release 8.0) - The list of Super Admins displays a table with users, profiles and roles, who will have administrator access to all processes and forms is to be provided:
- Click "+" (Add Super Admin) button (1) to open popup.
- Select type of Admin (2, "Role" in example below) and find needed admin.
- Click "Apply" button (3).
The list of Super Admins displays selected user/profile/role (4). Click "Save" button (5) to apply new changes.
Object Settings
In Salesforce, Objects store the field definitions and records that make up your data. As your organization data may contain many objects, you will likely only use a subset of those within Work-Relay. For this reason, you'll want to indicate which objects in your org are available to Work-Relay on the Object Settings tab.
Notification Settings
The Notification Settings tab helps to control all your activity on Work-Relay. See proper article.
Scheduler Settings
On the Schedulers Settings tab user can turn on/off schedulers for Work-Relay jobs and force any job if needed.
- Automatic Task job completes system process steps.
- Pending Task job resolves all pending process steps.
- Reminders/Escalations job sends reminder notifications and escalates tasks (where escalations are configured) to proper new assignees.
- Time Based Processes starts scheduled process instances.
- Validation Rules starts job which performs validation automatic (system) and pending steps.
For the instructions on how to provide Work-Relay Licenses Key please refer to the corresponding section of this article:
On "Utilities" user can do some useful actions:
- The "Query" allows to test the execution of your queries.
- The "Call API" subtab allows to execute API methods of different parts of application and check result.
- "Calculate formula" subtab allows to validate formula entered and see the result of it's evaluation.
- "Workflow history" subtab allows to select any process version and any respective record and see it's proceeding history.
See proper article.
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