Upgrading Work-Relay
1. Navigate to the upgrading page
Copy the last part (everything after base URL) of the installer link provided to you, e.g. https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tj0000001iMva2 (red text).
Login to your Salesforce instance and remove everything after the base URL, then paste the last part of URL at the end:
Go to resulting page.
2. Upgrade Work-Relay
The Upgrade dialog will appear. Please select "Install for Admins Only" and then the "Upgrade" button:
After pressing "Upgrade", you will see the following status screen:
3. Finish upgrade
Since Work-Relay is a large package, you will see the following notice:
You can click "Done" and you will receive an email when the package update has finished.
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