Create Task/Issue From Tasks Dashboard

New Task/Issue

Available from Work-Relay version 4.1.

Click "+" button (1) in the Task Manager toolbar and select "Task" or "Issue" (2):

Populate the desired fields.

Type - Select theType (3) of the task: Task or Issue.

Float Issue - When toggled on (4), the Task/Issue will not be related to any particular Process Instance, but may still be related to record by selecting the Object (5) and searching for a Record (6).

When Float Issue is toggled off:

  • Select a Process (7). (If Task/Issue creation was initiated from a Step, this will also populate the "Object" lookup field with that Step record.)
  • Select an Object (8). This will also populate the "Step" picklist with steps existing in the selected process instance.
  • Select a Step (9) to associate the Task/Issue with a particular step, or leave this field set to the default "[All Steps]" value to relate the Task/Issue to the entire process.
  • Toggle Lock Workflow (10) on if the Task/Issue must be completed before the active Process Instance step(s) can be proceeded/approved/rejected.

The following properties are the same, regardless of the Float Issue setting:

  • Subject - Provide the Task/Issue subject (11).
  • Description - Provide a description (12), if desired.
  • Assign To - Select an assignee for the Task/Issue (13). Only one user can be assigned.
  • Priority - Select a priority for the Task/Issue (14).
  • Due Date - Provide a date (15) by which the Task/Issue should be completed.

Advanced Settings

Expand the Advanced heading to reveal additional configuration options.

The Layout Type will determine the interface that is presented to the user when viewing the Task/Issue. The following options are available: are the same as for process steps and can be Standard, Work Relay Form or VisualForce Page.

  • Standard - Displays the Task/Issue details in read-only mode.
  • Form - Displays a custom Work-Relay Form. The following settings are available: "Mode" (17, View or Edit), "Form" (18, required) and "Layout Parameters" (19) that can be configured with the help of Field picker (20) and System Variable picker (21).
  • Visualforce Page - Displays a Visualforce page. The following settings are available: "Visualforce Page" (22, required) and "Layout Parameters" (23), which may be configured in the same manner described for the Form Layout Type, above.


Four action buttons are available to display on Tasks and Issues: Accept, Restart, Hold and Complete. The following configuration options are available for each button:

  • "Enable" checkboxes (24) - When checked, the respective button will be displayed on the Task/Issue (available from version 4.1).
  • Label - Defines the text (25) that will be displayed on the button.
  • "Require comment" checkboxes (26) - When checked, the user must enter a Comment when clicking the respective button.
  • Before Handler - Optionally defines a Global Action or Global Action Group that will be executed before the Task/Issue status update occurs. Click the "Configure handler..." field (27) to open the configuration screen (28). Select the desired Global Action or Global Action Group (29), and configure any desired parameters (30) that should be passed to the Global Action or Global Action Group, using the Field (31) and System Variables (32) buttons for assistance.
Who Can Add Tasks and Issues

Prior to version 8.2, any User that has been assigned a Work-Relay Permission Set can create an Issue for any Process Instance.

From version 8.2 , only the Assignee, Process Manager, Process Admin, Instance Manager and Super Admin users are able to create Tasks and Issues for a Process Instance. Extending Issues permissions is configurable in the "Additional Access" section in Process Settings.


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