Hints and Best Practices

Formulas Evaluation Optimization

Work-Relay application have an optimization feature that works on formulas: if same formula is used several times on the page, it will be calculated once and then re-used.

This feature makes better performance, but in some situations this may cause a trouble. For example, you need to create a set of variables with random values with a Global Action:

If use RANDOM() function, same formula will return the same value. The following code:


will actually return result like this, and all variables will have the same value:


The first way to avoid this is make each formula unique. This can be simply done by adding unique arguments to function (RANDOM() function ignores arguments). This code:


will return different results as expected:


Another way to solve this situation is to make all necessary function calls in one formula - each time function will be called again. This code:

'{"var1":"' + TEXT(RANDOM()) + 
'","var2":"' + TEXT(RANDOM()) + 
'","var3":"' + TEXT(RANDOM()) +
'","var4":"' + TEXT(RANDOM()) +
'","var5":"' + TEXT(RANDOM()) +

will return correct result (JSON text):



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