API Methods
1. postFeed
USAGE: postFeed(List<ID> parents, String message, String url (optional),List<String> topics (optional),List<ID> mentions (optional))
Description: posts feed to object chatter
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('ChatterService', 'postFeed', new Map<String, Object>{
'parents' => array of users/objects ids
'message' => feed body
'url' => url that will be added to the body
'topics' => array of topics titles
'mentions' => array of users ids that will be mentioned in the feed
2. postComment
USAGE: postComment(ID feedId, String message)
Description: posts comment to the specified feed
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('ChatterService', 'postComment', newMap<String, Object>{
'feedId' => id of chatter feed,
'message' => comment body
See related article: Chatter API Methods.
1. sendEmailAlert
USAGE: sendEmailAlert(String alertType, List<String>toList, String subject, String body)
Description: sends email alert
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('EmailMessageService', 'sendEmailAlert', new Map<String, Object>{
'alertType' => 'Generic Notification',
'toList' => new List<String>{'[email protected]'}, // list of email addresses
'subject' => 'subject',
'body' => 'body'
2. sendEmailMessage
USAGE: sendEmailMessage(List<String>to, String subject, String body, String fromName, Boolean plainText, List<Attachment>attachments)
Description: sends email with attachments
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('EmailMessageService', 'sendEmailMessage', new Map<String, Object>{
'to' => new List<String>{'[email protected]'}, // list of email addresses
'subject' => 'subject',
'body' => 'body',
'fromName' => 'fromName', // value that will be displayed as the sender's name
'plainText' => true/false,
'attachments' => new List<Attachment>()
3. sendEmailMessageByTemplate
USAGE: sendEmailMessageByTemplate(List<String>to, ID templateId, ID recordId, String fromName)
Description: sends email using SalesForce email template
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('EmailMessageService', 'sendEmailMessageByTemplate', new Map<String, Object>{
'to' => newList<String>{'[email protected]'}, // list of email addresses
'templateId' => 'SalesForce email template Id',
'recordId' => 'template source record Id',
'fromName' => 'fromName' // value that will be displayed as the sender's name
NOTE: sendEmailMessageByTemplate API will only work when Email Delivery Contact is set on Work Relay Settings:
1. getDateFormat
USAGE: getDateFormat();
Description: returns date format from WorkRelay config settings
Return Value: Object
new WR_BPM.API().call('ConfigService', 'getDateFormat', null);
2. getDateTimeFormat
USAGE: getDateTimeFormat();
Description: returns dateTime format from WorkRelay config settings
Return Value: Object
new WR_BPM.API().call('ConfigService', 'getDateTimeFormat', null);
3. getNamespace
USAGE: getNamespace();
Description: returns Namespace from WorkRelay config settings
Return Value: Object
new WR_BPM.API().call('ConfigService', 'getNamespace', null);
1. executeAction
USAGE: executeAction(ID actionId, String source (optional), Map<String, Object> variables (optional))
Description: executes specified Global Action
Return Value: Object (Global Action Context)
new WR_BPM.API().call('GlobalActionService', 'executeAction', new Map<String, Object>{
'actionId' => 'global action ID',
'source' => 'global action source record ID', //required if option has a source object
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => 'variable_value'}
2. executeActionGroup
USAGE: executeActionGroup(ID groupId, String source (optional), Map<String, Object> variables (optional))
Description: executes Global Action group.
Return Value: Object (Global Action Context)
new WR_BPM.API().call('GlobalActionService', 'executeActionGroup', new Map<String, Object>{
'groupId' => 'global action group id',
'source' => 'global action group source object', //required if global action group has a source object
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => 'variable_value'}
3. executeInBatch
USAGE: executeInBatch(String query, ID actionOrGroupId, IDfinishActionOrGroupId(optional), Boolean passSource (optional), Map<String, Object> variables (optional), Integer batchSize (optional), Boolean inSingleCall (optional))
Description: starts Salesforce batch job and executes Global Action for each batch record.
Return value: Id (Apex Job Id)
new WR_BPM.API().call('GlobalActionService', 'executeInBatch', new Map<String, Object>{
'query' => query to get records, // e.g. 'select id from account limit 5'
'actionOrGroupId' => ID of the action or action group,
'finishActionOrGroupId' => ID of the action or action group that will be executed in the end of the batch,
'passSource' => true/false //if "true" the current record will be passed to the action/group as the source object, otherwise current record id will be available in the action as {$Variables.recordId},
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => 'variable_value'},
'batchSize' => size of batch iteration,
'inSingleCall' => true/false //if "true" executes action once for loaded records - this way records ids will be available in {$Environment.ids}
4. executeInScheduler
USAGE: executeInScheduler(String name,String cron, String query, ID actionOrGroupId, String source (optional), Map<String, Object> variables (optional))
Description: method initiates Salesforce scheduled job and executes Global Action for each scheduled job execution.
Return Value: Id (Apex Job Id)
new WR_BPM.API().call('GlobalActionService', 'executeInScheduler, new Map<String, Object>{
'name' =>The name of the scheduled job,
'cron' =>The CRON configuration for the scheduled job,
'actionOrGroupId' => The ID of the action or action group,
'source' => The ID of the source record,
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => 'variable_value'}
1. startWorfkflow
USAGE: startWorkflow(String flowId, String recordId, Map<String, Object> variables (optional))
Description: starts specified process version by flow id
Return Value: List<Flow_Instance__c>
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'startWorkflow', new Map<String, Object>{
'flowId' => process version id
'recordId' => process context object id
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => 'variable_value'} // initial variables
2. startWorkflowByFlowName
USAGE: startWorkflowByFlowName(String flowName, String recordId, Map<String, Object> variables (optional))
Description: starts specified process version by version name
Return Value: List<Flow_Instance__c>
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'startWorkflowByFlowName', new Map<String, Object>{
'flowName' => process version name,
'recordId' => process context version id,
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => 'variable_value'}
3. startWorkflowByProcessName
USAGE: startWorkflowByProcessName(String processName, String recordId, Map<String, Object> variables (optional))
Description: starts primary version of a specified process by process name
Return Value: List<Flow_Instance__c>
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'startWorkflowByProcessName', new Map<String, Object>{
'processName' => The process name,
'recordId' => SObject.Id,
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => 'variable_value'}
4. setDisabled
USAGE: setDisabled(Boolean value)
Description: disables logic, that starts processes. Works only within one request.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'setDisabled', true|false);
5. setIgnoreFLows
USAGE: setIgnoreFlows(String value)
Description: defines flows, that should be ignored by the logic that starts processes. Works only within one request.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'setIgnoreFlows', '["flowId_1", "flowId_2",....]');
6. setIgnoreRecords
USAGE: setIgnoreRecords(String value)
Description: defines SObject records, that should be ignored by the logic that starts processes. Works only within one request.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'setIgnoreRecords', '["recordId_1", "recordId_2", ....]');
7. setCheckOnlyFlows
USAGE: setCheckOnlyFlows(String value
Description: defines flows, that should be checked by the logic that starts processes. All other flows will be ignored. Works only within one request.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'setCheckOnlyFlows', '["flowId_1", "flowId_2", ....]');
8. setNewInstancesLimit
USAGE: setNewInstancesLimit(String value)
Description: sets the limit of maximum number of process instances that could be started for the current request.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowActivator', 'setNewInstancesLimit', 10);
1. completeStep
USAGE: completeStep(String cursorId, String operation, String comments (optional), Date startDate (optional), Date completeDate (optional), Map<String,Object> environment(optional))
Description: executes proceed of the process step. If proceed operation requires a new transaction, the method will throw WR_BPM.LimitsException.
Return Value: Boolean //if proceed executed successfully
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowProceedService', 'completeStep', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'operation' => 'Proceed|Approve|Reject',
'comments' => 'Some Comment',
'startDate' => Actual Start DateTime,
'completeDate' => Actual End DateTime,
'environment' => new Map<String,Object>{'name' => 'value'} //values that can be used via process {$Environment} while step proceeding
2. completeStep
USAGE: completeStep(Flow_Instance_Cursor__c flowInstanceCursor, String operation, String comments (optional), Date startDate (optional), Date completeDate (optional))
Description: executes proceed of the process step. If proceed operation requires a new transaction, the method will throw WR_BPM.LimitsException.
Return Value: Boolean //if proceed executed successfully
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowProceedService', 'completeStep', new Map<String, Object>{
'flowInstanceCursor' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c,
'operation' => 'Proceed|Approve|Reject',
'comments' => 'Some Comment',
'startDate' => Actual Start DateTime,
'completeDate' => Actual End DateTime,
'environment' => new Map<String,Object>{'name' => 'value'} //values that can be used via process {$Environment} while step proceeding
3. completeParentStep
USAGE: completeParentStep(String cursorId, String operation, String comments (optional), Date startDate (optional), Date completeDate (optional))
Description: executes proceed of the parent process step. If proceed operation requires a new transaction, the method will throw WR_BPM.LimitsException.
Return Value: Boolean //if proceed executed successfully
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowProceedService', 'completeParentStep', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'operation' => 'Proceed|Approve|Reject',
'comments' => 'Some Comment',
'startDate' => Actual End DateTime,
'completeDate' => Actual End DateTime
4. completeStepAsync
USAGE: completeStepAsync(String flowInstanceCursorId, String operation, String stepId (optional), String comments (optional), String stepId, Date startDate (optional), Date completeDate (optional))
Description: executes proceed of the process step in async manner
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowProceedService', 'completeStepAsync', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'operation' => 'Proceed|Approve|Reject',
'stepId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Step__c,
'comments' => 'Some Comment',
'startDate' => Actual Start DateTime,
'completeDate' => Actual End DateTime
1. activateFlowInstances
USAGE: activateFlowInstances(String instancesIds, Boolean flag, Boolean withSubProcesses)
Description: activates/deactivates specified flow instances
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'activateFlowInstances', new Map<String, Object>{
'instancesIds' => "["instanceId_1","instanceId_2", ...]",
'flag' => true/false, // use true to activate instances, false to deactivate them
'withSubProcesses' => true/false // use true to activate instances along with their subprocesses
2. changeAssignee
USAGE: changeAssignee(String cursorId, String assigneeType, String assignee)
Description: changes assignee of the specified cursor
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'changeAssignee', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'assigneeType' => User/Group/Role/Profile/System, //pick one
'assignee' => ids in JSON array format or 'System' if assigneeType is System
3. changeDuration
USAGE: changeDuration(String cursorId, String duration)
Description: sets duration on the specified task
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'changeDuration', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'duration' => '1d 2h 30m' // [1d 1h 1m] format
4. refreshDuration
USAGE: refreshDuration(String cursorId)
Description: recalculates duration for an active step (cursor)
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'refreshDuration', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id
5. changeFlowStep
USAGE: changeFlowStep(String cursorId, String targetStepId, Boolean complete)
Description: moves cursor to the specified process step
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'changeFlowStep', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'targetStepId' => Flow_Step_Junction__c.Id,
'complete' => false // if set to true method will complete instance
6. changeStartDateConfig
USAGE: changeStartDateConfig(String cursorId, String startDateConfig)
Description: sets start date config on the specified cursor based on the WR business hours setting
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'changeStartDateConfig',new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'startDateConfig' => String.valueOf(system.today() +1) // pass empty string to remove start date config from cursor
7. cloneInstance
USAGE: cloneInstance(String instanceId, String recordId)
Description: clones existing flow instance and relates it to the specified record
Return Value: Flow_Instance__c (new flow instance record)
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'cloneInstance',new Map<String, Object>{
'instanceId' => Flow_Instance__c.Id,
'recordId' => context record id to relate new flow instance to
8. migrateFlowInstances
USAGE: migrateFlowInstances(String sourceFlowId, String targetFlowId, String instances, String stepsMapping (Optional))
Description: migrates flow instances from source flow to target flow considering flow mapping. Migrated flow instances have Inactive state. Flow instances on source flow are not removed.
Return Value: List<Flow_Instance__c> - migrated flow instances list
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'migrateFlowInstances', new Map<String, Object>{
'sourceFlowId' => Flow__c.Id, // source flow id
'targetFlowId' => Flow__c.Id, // target flow id
'instances' => 'select id from wr_bpm__flow_instance__c where id in ( \'instanceId_1\', \'instanceId_2\')', // SOQL query or Ids in JSON array format.
'stepsMapping' => The JSON object in format {"SOURCE_STEP_ID OR SOURCE_STEP_NAME":"TARGET_STEP_ID OR TARGET_STEP_NAME", ...}, // optional
'keepHistory' => true OR false // optional; defaults to false
9. reactivateReminders
USAGE: reactivateReminders(String cursorId, List<ID> remindersIds)
Description: reactivates inactive reminders i.e. ones were already executed
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'reactivateReminders', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'remindersIds' => new List<ID>{'reminderId_1', 'reminderId_2'}
10. reactivateEscalations
USAGE: reactivateEscalations(String cursorId, List<ID> escalationsIds)
Description: reactivates inactive escalations i.e. ones were already executed
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'reactivateEscalations', new Map<String, Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'escalationsIds' => new List<ID>{'escalationId_1', 'escalationId_2'}
11. restartCursor
USAGE: restartCursor(ID cursorId)
Description: restarts flow instance cursor
Return Value: Flow_Instance_Cursor__c
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'restartCursor', Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id);
12. restartBranch
USAGE: restartBranch(ID instanceId, ID branchId)
Description: restarts flow instance branch
Return Value: Flow_Instance_Cursor__c
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'restartBranch', new Map<String,Object>{
'instanceId' => Flow_Instance__c.Id,
'branchId' => Flow_Branch__c.Id
13. restartInstance
USAGE: restartInstance(ID instanceId, Boolean keepHistory)
Description: restarts flow instance
Return Value: Flow_Instance__c
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'restartInstance', new Map<String,Object>{
'instanceId' => Flow_Instance__c.Id,
'keepHistory' => true/false //will keep process history after restarting instance if set to 'true'
14. terminateCursor
USAGE: terminateCursor(ID cursorId, ID stepId)
Description: completes flow instance cursor
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'terminateCursor', new Map<String,Object>{
'cursorId' => Flow_Instance_Cursor__c.Id,
'stepId ' => Flow_Step_Junction__c.Id
15. terminateInstance
USAGE: terminateInstance(ID instanceId, Boolean withSubProcesses, String comments)
Description: completes flow instance. Can also complete subprocess instances
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'terminateInstance', new Map<String,Object>{
'instanceId' => Flow_Instance__c.Id,
'withSubProcesses ' => true/false, // (will also complete subprocess instances if set to true
'comments' => user comments
16. throwException
USAGE: throwException(String message)
Description: throws WR_BPM.GenericException
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'throwException', 'Message...');
17. updateActualDates
USAGE: updateActualDates(String cursorOrHistoryId, Object startDate, Object endDate)
Description: updates actual dates on flow instance history
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'updateActualDates', new Map<String,Object>{
'cursorOrHistoryId' => ID of flow instance cursor or flow instance history,
'startDate' => dateTime or 'IGNORE' if date should not be updated,
'completeDate' => dateTime or 'IGNORE' if date should not be updated
18. updateManagers
USAGE: updateManagers(ID instanceId, String managers)
Description: updates managers on specified flow instance
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'updateManagers', new Map<String,Object>{
'instanceId' => Flow_Instance__c.Id,
'managers' => '["user1_ID", "user2_ID", ....]'
19. updateProcessingFrequency
USAGE: updateProcessingFrequency(String cursorsIds, Integer frequency)
Description: updates processing frequency for specified cursors
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'updateProcessingFrequency', new Map<String,Object>{
'cursorsIds' => '["cursorId_1", "cursorId_2", ...]',
'frequency' => -1 / 0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 24 / 48 //integer value of hours
20. updateProcessingFrequencyByObjectsAndSteps
USAGE: updateProcessingFrequencyByObjectsAndSteps(String objectStepMap, Integer frequency)
Description: updates processing frequency for cursors based on object id and steps ids
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('WorkflowService', 'updateProcessingFrequencyByObjectsAndSteps', new Map<String,Object>{
'objectStepMap' => JSON object in format '{"object_id":["step_id", ...]}'
'frequency' => -1 / 0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 24 / 48 //integer value of hours
1. updateVariable
USAGE: updateVariable(String instanceId, String name, Object value)
Description: updates single variable on specified flow instance. If there is no specified variable on flow instance, method would create new variable.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('VariableService', 'updateVariable', new Map<String, Object>{
'instanceId' => Flow_Instance__c.Id,
'name' => 'variable_name',
'value' => {SOME_VALUE}
2. updateVariables
USAGE: updateVariables(String instanceId, Map<String, Object> variables)
Description: updates multiple variables on specified flow instance. If there are no specified variables on flow instance, method would create new variables.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('VariableService', 'updateVariables', new Map<String, Object>{
'instanceId' => Flow_Instance__c.Id,
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => {SOME_VALUE}}
3. updateVariablesByInstances
USAGE: updateVariablesByInstances(List<String> instancesIds, Map<String, Object> variables)
Description: updates multiple variables on specified flow instances.
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('VariableService', 'updateVariables', new Map<String, Object>{
'instancesIds' => List<String>{Flow_Instance__c.Id}, //flow instances ids
'variables' => new Map<String, Object>{'variable_name' => {SOME_VALUE}}
1. recalculateGanttProperties
USAGE: recalculateGanttProperties(ID flowId, ID recordId, ID stepId, DateTime date)
Description: recalculates dates on process step based on flow and record ids
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('FlowGanttService', 'recalculateGanttProperties', new Map<String, Object>{
'flowId' => The flow ID,
'recordId' => The record ID,
'stepId' => The step ID,
'date' => The date/time when recalculation will be executed
2. recalculateGanttPropertiesByInstance
USAGE: recalculateGanttPropertiesByInstance(ID instanceId, ID stepId, DateTime date)
Description: recalculates dates on process step based on instance id
Return Value: none
new WR_BPM.API().call('FlowGanttService', 'recalculateGanttPropertiesByInstance', new Map<String, Object>{
'instanceId' => The process instance ID,
'stepId' => The step ID,
'date' => The date/time when recalculation will be executed
1. lock
USAGE: lock(String ids, Boolean allOrNothing)
Description: locks Sales Force record. Uses object Approval Process.
Return Value: Approval.LockResult
new WR_BPM.API().call('SFWorkflowService', 'lock', new Map<String, Object>{
'ids' => record ids in JSON format,
'allOrNothing' => Boolean specifying whether this operation allows partial success. If you specify false and a record fails, the remainder of the DML operation can still succeed
2. unlock
USAGE: unlock(String ids, Boolean allOrNothing)
Description: unlocks Sales Force record. Uses object Approval Process.
Return Value: Approval.LockResult
new WR_BPM.API().call('SFWorkflowService', 'lock', new Map<String, Object>{
'ids' => record ids in JSON format,
'allOrNothing' => Boolean specifying whether this operation allows partial success. If you specify false and a record fails, the remainder of the DML operation can still succeed
3. startFlow
USAGE: startFlow(String namespace, String flowName, String variables)
Description: starts sales force flow
Return Value: Flow.Interview
new WR_BPM.API().call('SFWorkflowService', 'startFlow', new Map<String,Object>{
'namespace' => organization namespace, optional,
'flowName' => Sales Force flow name,
'variables' => JSON object
1. addLicenseUser
USAGE: addLicenseUser(String license, String user ID)
Description: adds License to a specified single user
Return Value: WR_BPM__License_User__c object
new WR_BPM.API().call('LicenseService', 'addLicenseUser', new Map<String, Object>{
'license' => The license Id or Name,
'userId' => user ID
2. removeLicenseUser
USAGE: removeLicenseUser(String license, String user ID)
Description: revokes License from a specified single user
new WR_BPM.API().call('LicenseService', 'removeLicenseUser', new Map<String, Object>{
'license' => The license Id or Name,
'userId' => user ID
3. addLicenseUsers
USAGE: addLicenseUsers(String license, String user IDs)
Description: adds License to a specified set of users
Return Value: WR_BPM__License_User__c object
new WR_BPM.API().call('LicenseService', 'addLicenseUsers', new Map<String, Object>{
'license' => The license Id or Name,
'usersIds' => The users Ids in JSON array format
4. removeLicenseUsers
USAGE: removeLicenseUsers(String license, String user IDs)
Description: revokes Licenses from a specified set of users
new WR_BPM.API().call('LicenseService', 'removeLicenseUsers', new Map<String, Object>{
'license' => The license Id or Name,
'usersIds' => The users Ids in JSON array format
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